WinUtilities Free Memory Optimizer is an excellent free application that makes sure that your system's RAM is always optimized and free of programs that are no longer active. Thought this is clearly its main functionality, this tool also offers you extensive and useful graphical information about how your computer's memory and CPU are being used.
Memory Optimizer works in the background and whenever your system is idle. Thus, though you can bring up the program's interface any time you wish and ask it to free up as much memory as you need, it is certainly much more comfortable to set it up in a way that the program automatically kills as many useless processes as needed to keep you RAM above the minimum established. The minimum amount of memory considered acceptable is set by default at 152 MB, though this is one of the few customizable settings available. Another option you might like to keep checked off is the "Intelligense Optimization" feature, which will optimize your computer's memory in accordance with the CPU usage at that specific time.
As said, Free Memory Optimizer not only does what it says it does in an efficient and silent way, but it also keeps you informed about how your CPU and RAM are being used. Using clear and neat graphics, you will be permanently informed about your total RAM, page file, and virtual space, as well as how much of these are free or in use. Likewise, you will be presented with live statistics about your CPU's usage - minimized, average, and maximum usage. All this information will help you to fine-tune the various settings of this free tool, so that you can make the most of this worthy tool.